We've added vital conversion event data back to clients that have opted for this service. We've gotten as much as 10x the events in Facebook!
We use Server-Side Tracking to get more conversion data synced between ad platforms.
The advantages of machine learning and meta data collection on a 1st party cookie make this a loophole while compliance is in flux in the US especially.
Metadata makes the world go 'round.
Our team can add vital information back to each site visitor and therefore know more about each user and session.
Essentially new opportunities to match events/actions and create audiences because of it.
As apps, ad platforms, and ad blockers get smarter it will become more of a task to find audiences that convert well.
Enriching your data with Server Side Tagging will offer an early advantage while most teams are unsure about the set-up and use of 1st party cookies and the advantages.
The best part of all, is the potential for collecting behavioural information for your most vital conversions and analyzing the demographic and conversion paths as a new standard best practice.
Get more data from the traffic you have. Build better audiences.
Uniformity in events
1st Party Cookies
Pixel Enrichment